SHOWS:     St Paul June '25     Madison June '25
Participation in M-Pro events is contingent upon acceptance of these rules

All participants in M-Pro events agree to the following, as well as to abide by the Member Standards of Conduct, even if they are not members. Requests for exemptions to show rules may require documentation to be provided. Violations of show rules are subject to discipline by the Board of Directors. Penalties may include (but are not limited to) fines, loss of seniority, and initiation of expulsion proceedings as detailed in the by-laws.

It is the responsibility of every exhibitor to ensure that all affiliated personnel know and abide by these rules as well as the standards mentioned above.

  • Ensure that all of your affiliated personnel are correctly credentialed, such as associates and principals.
  • If you have a professional conflict that requires you to exit before the end of the show, request permission from the show director at least 30 days prior to the start of the show. Note that you will forfeit any seniority-based placement and you may be subject to additional conditions.
  • Obtain permission in advance from the show director for anyone you invite to the show that is not a retailer or a person for whom you will pay for the proper badge.
  • Respect show hours and make every effort to staff your booth when the show is open. Do not invite or allow retailers into a show outside of show hours except under designated protocols.
  • Members who book a booth are expected to attend. Minimum attendance requirement is for one day of a show. Contact the show director in advance if an exception is to be requested due to a business-related conflict.
  • Members who attend a show are expected to book a booth. The purpose of coming to a show is to sell, and selling is to be done in the booth. Even if combining with another member, you need at least one 10x10 section of your own.
  • Members who are in equal partnerships and who are both members may be granted exemption from the requirement that they each have their own booth space. However, booth placement will be determined by the same method as any other members who request to show together.

Working at shows
  • You are responsible for the behavior of anyone associated with you.
  • Ensure that products you exhibit are relevant to our retailers.
  • If a brand or product line appears in your booth, it must be represented by you. If any member of your delegation represents a product not represented by you, that product may not be sold at a show (which includes showing/display or provision of selling materials) unless the person representing it joins the organization under their own name and takes at least a 10x10 booth of their own.
  • Your booth is for the conducting of your business. No exhibitor is permitted to sub-lease or host any person or company with whom the member does not have an ongoing representative relationship.
  • The place to do business is in your booth, not the aisles or lobby.
  • Do not interrupt a colleague or competitor when they are doing business.
  • Ensure that noise and other potential distractions do not interfere with other people's ability to conduct business around you.
  • Avoid blocking the aisles and impeding traffic. Any fines assessed by a fire marshal will be passed through to the offending member(s).
  • Honor the integrity of other people's booths. Do not enter another person's booth unless invited, including when the show is not open for business.
  • Refrain from breaking down before the designated closing time of the show.