SHOWS:     St Paul June '25     Madison June '25
M-Pro Member Standards of Conduct

In accepting membership in the association, all M-Pro members agree that they will be bound by the rules and standards of conduct and professionalism detailed here, as well as commonly accepted professional norms that may be identified by the Board of Directors. Participation in events such as trade shows may entail and be contingent upon acceptance of additional rules.

Violations of the rules and standards described here are subject to penalties as determined by the board of directors. Such penalties may include, but are not limited to, fines, suspension or revocation of seniority, or termination of membership subject to any procedures detailed in the by-laws.

Working together makes us stronger and more prosperous. Members agree not to participate in any activity that draws traffic from sanctioned M-Pro events. This includes both temporary and permanent installations in the same general area as association events.

Reputation matters. Members agree not to disparage the association or its activities in a setting that is likely to draw the attention of brands or retailers.

Human relationships are the currency of our profession. Members agree to refrain from interacting with anyone in a professional context in a manner that is degrading or threatening. Further, members agree to refrain from poaching representation opportunities from fellow members.

The truth matters. Members agree to be honest in their dealings with the association, including not mis-representing the nature of their relationship with associated people or companies, especially to avoid paying the correct fees or to evade other rules.

Accountability flows both up and down. Members agree that they are responsible for the conduct of all personnel with whom they are affiliated. This includes their associates, employees, and business partners, as well as brand personnel they are hosting or sponsoring. Sanctions or penalties for behavior attributable to affiliated personnel are the responsibility of the member. If fines are assessed, they are to be paid promptly—within 30 days unless otherwise specified.

Freedom of association
Membership in the organization and participation in its events are strictly voluntary. If members do not wish to abide by the standards of conduct of the group including show rules that govern participation in events, they are free to resign their membership at any time. Resignation will result in loss of seniority and all other privileges, and re-joining will be as a new member with all associated costs. No fees or other payments will be refunded in case of resignation.